#TLT - Dec 21, 2023

May your life have poetry and your poetry, life—

prompt word: ride

three line poetry

Write something that will move us! Inspired by the photo above. Post your poem in the comments and comment on others.

Also, if you have an X (Twitter) handle, include it below your submission.

keep it about the words


A new prompt will appear on the blog each Thursday at 12 am EDT.


Post your entries in the comment box of the current week's prompt.


Fostering healthy habits of creativity and connections.

Three Line Thursday

What can you say, convey, or express in only three lines? Can you paint a visual picture with only words? Tell an entire story that begs to be read?

#TLT Use the hashtags and share on social! #comelaydownink

Use your imagination. Poetry, Haiku, Senryū, Free Verse, Prose, Flash all are welcome. (Please no graphic use of excessive profanity or overtly disturbing mental images. Let’s use common sense.)

One word per line, fine. Ten words per line (max), fine. As long as it fits in the comment box in three-line format, it counts. Simple, right?

Read other entries and comment. This is a positive forum for feedback!

1 thought on “#TLT- Dec 21”

  1. Top down, Elton John, wheels blaring
    in sweet onion air. Kicked-back Kerouac –
    slick, cruising nymph, skirt thigh high at sixty per.


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