three line Thursday


Let’s face it, the creative world can be lonely and filled with rejection. As a writer or an artist sometimes we need to remind ourselves to get involved. Come up for air, loose ourselves from our pessimistic pits and break free from our creative caves for a while. Three Line Thursday is the spot to do just that. #TLT lay down ink…
Our hope with Three Line Thursday is to create a fun, inspiring place for people to connect and encourage one another each week. We strive to bring people in the artistic community together.
New! Every published entry will be considered for a Best of The Net nomination.
It doesn’t matter what level, writer, photographer, or artist you are we believe, we all have something to contribute. We all can benefit, and feedback is essential.
With just three short lines, the time commitment is kept to a minimum.
Come hone your craft, or simply contribute for fun!
Featured Three Line Thursday
Write something that will move us! What can you say, convey, or express in only three lines? Can you paint a visual picture with only words? Tell an entire story that begs to be read?
Use your imagination. No titles. Let's keep it about the words.
Poetry, Haiku, Senryū, Free Verse, Prose, and Flash are all welcome. (Please do not use graphic language or overtly disturbing mental images. Let's use common sense.)
One word per line is fine. Ten words per line (max) is fine. As long as it fits in the comment box in the three-line format, it counts. Simple, right?
Read other entries and comment. This will be a positive forum for feedback.
Post each entry in the comment box of the current week's prompt post.
A prompt will post on the blog each Thursday at 12 am EDT.
We are all about fostering connections and healthy habits of creativity.

Are you looking for more inspiration? Try our Three Line Thursday poetry prompt each Thursday.
Also, our first #TLT Prompt Journal is available in print! Three Line Thursday: A Year of Prompts Journal is a 142-page, 53 weeks of Thursday prompts, beautifully bound, full-color journal available now. It includes photographers from the first years of Ink In Thirds Magazine.
So, grab a copy today and help support INK IN THIRDS Magazine to keep publishing issues! (Available now on Amazon via link and photo)
Additionally, links to weekly prompts are posted on X (Twitter), Threads, and the blog. Follow us there and on Insta for updates, cool pics, and all things wordy—