#TLT - Feb 20, 2025
May your life have poetry and your poetry, life—
prompt word: barren

three line poetry
Inspired by the photo above, write something that moves us! #TLT
Additionally, First-time comments are held for moderation. Once approved, they post automatically.
keep it about the words
- Brevity is Key
- 10 words MAX per line
- 3 Lines
- No Titles
- Include your X (Twitter) handle
- DO NOT include the prompt word

A new prompt appears on the blog each Thursday at 12 am EDT.

Post your entries in the comment box of the current week's prompt.

Foster connections and healthy habits of creativity.
Three Line Thursday
What can you say, convey, or express in only three lines? Can you paint a visual picture with only words? Tell an entire story that begs to be read?
#TLT Use the hashtags and share on social! #comelaydownink
Use your imagination. Poetry, Haiku, Senryū, Free Verse, Prose, and Flash are all welcome. (Please do not graphically use excessive profanity or overtly disturbing mental images. Let’s use common sense.)
One word per line—fine. Ten words per line (max) works too. It counts as long as it fits in the comment box in three-line format. Simple, right?
We also nominate for awards, including Best of The Net. All submissions are considered for publication in our print mag. For more weekly inspiration, check out 100 Word Wednesday, too.
Read other entries and comment on others. Most importantly, this is a positive forum for feedback!

6 thoughts on “#TLT – Feb 20, 2025”
Empty stems teem with thorns
Some say it’s the end, and mourn
Others see a new growth, a new morn.
You last saw these limbs
flush with the brightness of death,
before your leaving.
In the deep woods. Bare, but
for its barbs, and its bark,
and its face of deep longing.
in dry times pruned to bloom better
to grow fuller, fit a landscaped plan;
but thorned to resist, draw blood
Bitter chill.
Thorns sharp as cat claws.
Everything breaks.
@meeshmeyerwrites (IG)
The sighing siren watches
As seasons change and hopes
Serendipity will visit her soon
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