Current Issues

current issues . . .

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Welcome to another year of INK publications. Our current issues contain some of the most nomination-worthy poetry and prose alongside stunning photography and visual art. Thank you, again, for trusting us with your creative endeavors. 

So grab a coffee, tea, or something a bit stronger and dive into the words and images we hope will take you on a thousand journeys and a thousand more. Take a peek inside. . .

vol 6, i.1

Spring Equinox, spring/summer 2025

This issue features 80 incredibly talented individuals spanning our globe, including established and up-and-coming voices and faces. I am genuinely grateful for each contribution and to those who continue championing this literary adventure. The support of our fantastic community is why we are able to keep coming back and emerging anew.

"Rubies" cover art by Katie Hughbanks

vol 5, i.2

Fall Equinox, fall/winter 2024

Turning pages, turning leaves, turning time. I honestly cannot believe another season has begun its transition. The moments I spend with the written word and art between these pages are always some of my most treasured encounters. Reading and curating the innermost workings of our contributors, I always come to the same conclusion: We are real, we are raw, and our words matter. Ink In Thirds prides itself on the expansive reach of humanity’s voice.

This issue features 74 beautiful souls spanning this planet we call Earth, sharing stories, photography, art, and the utmost expressions of our shared human condition. Once again, I extend a heartfelt thank you to all who have contributed and continue championing this literary adventure. We could not do this without the support and readership of our fantastic community.

We usher in this fall with a gentle explosion of exposition and emotion as found on each turning page.

"Serenity" cover art by Dee

vol 5, i.1

Spring Equinox, spring/summer 2024

Another issue, ahh… If you’re like me, you’ve noticed the world has a different weight (to it) lately. Perhaps imperceptible to some, but not most, if you look closely. Not a physical weight, though a weight in which everything has become heavier. A heavy that I have no name for, only to say I can feel its disturbance. A heavy in the way people breathe, in the way people walk, in the way people avoid conversation and engagement. We’ve become cut off. Disengaged. Detached.

So let’s connect!

This issue features 66 contributors from around the globe sharing stories, photography, art, and expressions of the human condition. Congratulations and a heartfelt thank you to all who have contributed and continue championing this literary adventure. We welcome spring with budding pages ready to burst open with emotion, understanding, and meaning. Let’s stow our heavy jackets for another season and hold a lighter, warmer space for spring.

"Emergence" cover photo by Candace Kubinec

vol 4, i.1

Autumnal Equinox, fall/winter 2023

Ah, this issue— All things Autumnal and otherwise. The words, images, creativity, and imagination that have gone into the countless hours culminating in this issue coming to fruition is absolutely breathtaking. We have visual art and imagery like never before, and the words that touch the page, ahh . . . the words.  

This issue features 72 new and established contributors from around the globe and from every walk of life. My sincere congratulations and thank you to all who have contributed to creating this special 126-page, full-color issue! May the pages take you on a thousand journeys and a thousand more.

"By Slow Degrees" cover photo by Louis Staeble

looking for older issues. . .

Feeling creative? Did you know we also offer weekly writing prompts for all to participate.

A weekly poetry prompt on our BLOG? #TLT is open for all to participate each Thursday! Join us there and come lay down ink…

Micro-fiction prompts also run weekly on our BLOG? #100WW Open for all to participate each Wednesday! Come lay down ink… 

All entries are considered for future publication either online or in our print magazine.

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