contributor bios
contributor bios
"There is properly no history, only biography." — Ralph Waldo Emerson
We are incredibly grateful for our talented contributors, who hail from locales spanning the globe. The artists and writers within our pages are brimming with talent. Visual artists and photographers range from dabbling novices to widely published, many with showings in successful galleries. Our writers are not too shabby, either. Vast bios include first-time authors, Poets Laureate, Pushcart Prize nominated and winning authors, and every type of writer in between. The talent within is broad and reaching! We feel strongly that while the accolades are amazing, true talent comes from within and unexpected places, and we encourage all artists and writers to keep at it and never give up. Create and write your heart out. We couldn’t do this without you!
This page is updated regularly. If you have a bio listed here and need it updated, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We are happy to make changes.
David Agyei-Yeboah
David Agyei-Yeboah is a poet, writer, and musician from Accra, Ghana.
Afra Ahmad
Afra Adil Ahmad is a writer, poet, artist and calligrapher. Based in Taiwan, she holds a Bachelor’s degree in English Literature. Her works have appeared in various magazines, including Iman Collective, MYM, Rather Quiet, Ice Floe Press, Olney Magazine, The Malu Zine, The Sophon Lit, Blue Minaret, Melbourne Culture Corner, Her Hearth Magazine, The Hot Pot Magazine, and Ghudsavar Magazine.
Deborah Ajilore
Deborah Ajilore is a Nigerian writer and photographer. She is a member of the Frontiers Collective. Her works have been published in Invisible City Lit, Mud Season Review, Salamander Ink, Stanchion Magazine, Door Is AJar, and elsewhere.
Kate Alderman
Kate Alderman is pursuing her MFA in Poetry at Lindenwood University. This is her first publication.
Jennifer Alessi
Jennifer Alessi holds a BA in English from Columbia University and an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Alaska Anchorage. Her essays have appeared in Critical Read, Hippocampus, River Teeth, and elsewhere.
Paul Allatson
Paul Allatson is a cultural critic, writer, and academic editor based in Sydney, on the unceded lands of the Gadigal people of the Eora nation. His poetry and short stories have appeared in anthologies and literary outlets in Australia, the UK, and the USA. The above piece comes from a current project entitled “Little Intimacies.”
Lisa Alletson
Lisa Alletson is a Toronto writer. Her stories and poems are published in Atticus Review, The Cincinnati Review, Gone Lawn, Milk Candy Review, New Ohio Review, and Pithead Chapel, among other journals. Her poetry book, Good Mother Lizard, won the Headlight Review chapbook publishing contest (2022). She’s on Blue Sky, Instagram, and Facebook at @LisaAlletson.
Emma Allmann
Emma Allmann studied creative writing at UW-Madison and is currently pursuing an MFA in creative writing from the University of Alabama – Tuscaloosa. She has pieces published with Ellipsis and Ink In Thirds, shortlisted with Smokelong, a forthcoming piece in LandLocked, and has had a play produced for the Marcia Légère Student Play Festival at UW-Madison.
Michael Anthony
Michael Anthony is a New Jersey based writer and artist. He has published fiction, poetry, illustrations, and photographs in literary journals and commercial magazines. Most recently, these include Raw Lit, Cape Magazine, Auvert Magazine, Remington Review, Flyover Country, On The High Literary Journal, West Michigan Review, Drunk Monkeys, and Bodega Magazine.
Kezia Ari
Kezia Ari is a Florida native, currently studying for her Masters in Publishing at University College London. She is previously unpublished unless you count childhood work hung on her mother’s fridge. In her free time, she enjoys walking in the grey of London and spotting strange tree branches.
Glen Armstrong
Glen Armstrong (he/him) holds an MFA in English from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and edits a poetry journal called Cruel Garters. His poems have appeared in Conduit, Poetry Northwest, and Another Chicago Magazine.
Elvins Artiles
Elvins Artiles is a writer based in Boston, Massachusetts. Engaged in an adulterous affair with life, Elvins strives after the subduing of the sublime with the few words he feels confident in showcasing. A self-proclaimed literary masochist, Elvins enjoys the celestial contempt acquired in every turning minute he gives to his writing. He hopes to make beautiful things.
Britt Astrid Alphson
Britt Astrid Alphson is a MFA candidate at Columbia University, where she studies Fiction Writing. She lives in New York.
J.T. Atwin
J.T. Atwin lives in Seattle with his adorable but undeniably stupid Pomeranian, who very much takes after her owner. This is his first publication.
David Cleofas Avila
Having experienced psychosis as a teen, later diagnosed with schizophrenia, David writes and makes art & music to better square away the sequelae of life. His art has been published in Peatsmoke Journal, Gabby & Min, NUNUM, and Harpur Palate.

From a very young age, Dee remembers different family members influencing and contributing to her love of art and travel. At fifteen, her father gifted her with her first set of oils, imparting a passion of a lifetime—all things art related. Traveling throughout Europe and the Middle East has contributed to her style and technique over a lifetime. Painting is her true joy.
Anne Bannon
Anne Bannon is a student at Scripps College in Claremont, California. She has been writing poetry for ten years, and painting still lifes for two. Some of her writing can be found published in Ink in Thirds.
Lynn Bey
Lynn Bey has had short stories and flash fiction published in O:JA&L, Club Plum, The Literarian (nominated for a Pushcart award), Nixes Mate Review, New World Writing, The Binnacle (nominated for a Pushcart award and joint winner of the Eleventh Annual Ultra-Short Competition), Digital Americana, Scribble Magazine, The Brooklyner, and other magazines.
Paul Beckman
Paul Beckman’s latest flash collection, Kiss Kiss (Truth Serum Press) was a finalist for the 2019 Indie Book Awards. Some of his stories appeared in Necessary Fiction, Litro, Pank, Blue, Lyre. Playboy, WINK, The Wax Paper, and Monkey. He was nominated for 2021 Best of the Web and selected for Best Microfiction 2022.
Coleman Bigelow
Coleman Bigelow is a Pushcart Prize and Best MicroFiction nominated author whose work has appeared recently or is upcoming in Bending Genres, Cosmic Daffodil, Emerge Journal, and Jake.
Julia Bindler
Julia Bindler lives in Minneapolis. Her poems have recently appeared in ONE ART and The Love Book, an anthology (Blue Cedar Press, 2024).
Charlie Bird
Charlotte “Charlie” Bird (they/them), a free verse writer, resides in the Midwest with their cherished best friend and life partner. When Charlie is not wandering the shelves at their local library, they are playing video games with their husband and friends.
David Blake
David Blake is a musician and poet from San Bernardino, CA. His poetry has been featured in multiple indie prints over the last couple years. He is currently working on his MFA in Creative Writing at MSMU in Los Angeles.
Andy Bodinger
Andy Bodinger is a fiction writer, essayist, and PhD student at Ohio University. He earned his MFA from Oklahoma State University where he was an associate editor at The Cimarron Review. He is formerly an ESL teacher, having worked in The Czech Republic and China. His essays and stories have appeared in Lunch Ticket, South Dakota Review, and Bodega.
Kelli Short Borges
Kelli Short Borges writes from her home in Phoenix, Arizona, where her family has lived for six generations. Her stories have won contests and been nominated for multiple awards. Recently, Kelli’s work was chosen for Best Microfiction 2024. She is currently working on her first novel.
Aubrey Brady
Aubrey Brady studied music at Covenant College and received her MFA in Creative Writing with an emphasis in poetry at Lindenwood University. Her work has appeared in ONE ART, Ekstasis, Moria, Big Sky Journal, and elsewhere. She lives in Montana with her husband, Matthew, and their two children.
Nicole Brogdon
Nicole Brogdon is an Austin, TX trauma therapist interested in strugglers and stories, with fiction in Vestal Review, Cleaver, Flash Frontier, Bending Genres, Bright Flash, SoFloPoJo, Cafe Irreal, 101Words, Centifictionist, etc. Best Microfiction 2024, and Smokelong Microfiction Finalist. Twitter @NBrogdonWrites.
Robyn Braun
Robyn Braun earned her MFA from the University of British Columbia’s School of Creative Writing. She holds a PhD in Sociology and was a postdoctoral fellow at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science. Her essay, “The Stutter of Emmett’s Stutter,” won subTerrain’s Lush Triumphant Prize for CNF.
Evan Brisson
Evan H. Brisson works at a public library in Raleigh, North Carolina, where he facilitates a poetry club that meets on the third Tuesday of each month. He has also taught composition and literature at Central Piedmont Community College. His work has been featured in Street Cake, Subliminal Surgery, and elsewhere.
Mars Brocke
Mars Brocke has been published in Otoliths, Imspired, and elsewhere. He loves 50s sci-flicks that are so bad they’re great. He loves street photography and William Shatner’s spoken word albums.
Heath Brougher
Heath Brougher is editor-in-chief of Concrete Mist Press as well as poetry editor for Into the Void Magazine. He was the recipient of Taj Mahal Review’s 2018 Poet of the Year Award.
Michael H. Brownstein
Michael H. Brownstein’s latest volumes, A Slipknot to Somewhere Else (2018) and How Do We Create Love (2019), were published by Cholla Needles Press. He has appeared in American Letters and Commentary, Meridian Anthology of Contemporary Poetry, The Pacific Review, and others. He has nine chapbooks, including A Period of Trees (Snark Press, 2004).
C.W. Bryan
C.W. Bryan is the author of two collections of poetry. A chapbook titled Celine: An Elegy, published with Bottlecap Press, and a full-length collection, No Bird Lives in my Heart, published with In Case of Emergency Press. He writes with Sam Kilkenny at His work can be found in The Cincinnati Review, Beaver Magazine, Door is a Jar Magazine, Eunoia Review, and elsewhere.
Audra Burwell
Audra Burwell is a creative writing major at California State University Fresno, pursuing a Master of Fine Arts degree with a specialization in poetry. Entropia is her first full-length published work, a dystopian fantasy multimedia collaboration featuring a fashion line designed by Fastened By Lyn and photography provided by Raven & Crow. Audra is a member of Sigma.
Nicole Callihan
Winner of the 2023 Tenth Gate Prize and a 2023 Alma Award, Nicole Callihan has two recent poetry collections: chigger ridge (The Word Works 2024) and SLIP (Saturnalia 2025). Other books include This Strange Garment (Terrapin 2023) and the 2019 novella, The Couples.
Paul Carlsen
Paul Carlsen was born in Germany but grew up between three continents. He is interested in many creative outlets, ranging from poetry to photography. He completed his MFA in poetry at the University of East Anglia, UK. Currently, he resides in Spain.
Alex Carrigan
Alex Carrigan (he/him) is a Pushcart-nominated editor, poet, and critic from Alexandria, VA. He is the author of Now Let’s Get Brunch: A Collection of RuPaul’s Drag Race Twitter Poetry (Querencia Press, 2023).
Cameron Carvalho
Cameron Carvalho is a writer from Massachusetts. His work has been recognized by The Alliance for Young Artists & Writers. His poetry is forthcoming in the Eunoia Review.
Susana Case
Susana H. Case is the award-winning author of nine books, most recently, If This Isn’t Love, Broadstone Books, 2023, and co-editor with Margo Taft Stever of I Wanna Be Loved by You: Poems on Marilyn Monroe, Milk & Cake Press, 2022, awarded Honorable Mention for the Eric Hoffer Book Prize.
Cora Casper
Cora Casper is a 24 year-old poet based in Minnesota. Her writing often focuses on environmentalism, transitioning from girlhood to womanhood, spirituality, and psychedelia. Cora is an actress, songwriter, and theatre-maker, and her love for storytelling and poetry started in theatre.
William Cass
William Cass has had over 300 short stories appear in literary magazines and anthologies. A nominee for Best Small Fictions and Best of the Net, he’s also had five Pushcart nominations. His first short story collection was published by Wising Up Press in 2020, and a second collection has recently been released by the same press.
Nate Castellitto
Nate Castellitto is a poet in Pennsylvania whose work has appeared in wildness, The Watershed Journal, Sojourners, and elsewhere.
Clarissa Cervantes
Clarissa Cervantes is a travel researcher photographer. Clarissa also supplies freelance articles on a variety of topics for newspapers, websites, and magazines such as USA Today and LA Times. Clarissa’s photo gallery includes images from all over the world, where she finds inspiration to share her photographs with others, inviting the viewer into exploration and observation.
Rachel Cheng
Rachel Cheng (she/her) is currently studying journalism at Toronto Metropolitan University. She loves everything about stories—from telling them through various art forms to listening to them (don’t worry, it’s not gossip, it’s journalism…). Her art and writings can be seen in CanCulture, MetRadio, and The EyeOpener.
Christine Cock
Christine is a lifetime conservationist, Naturalist, and poet who has been published in multiple online and print journals, her latest being in Kissing Dynamite and Sandhill Review. She lives in the woods of Florida with her husband and Catahoula Leopard dogs.
Katie Coleman
Katie Coleman is a British writer currently living in Thailand. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Heavy Feather Review, Your Impossible Voice, Gooseberry Pie, Milk Candy Review, Ghost Parachute, SoFloPoJo, Bending Genres, Ilanot Review, Roi Fainéant Press, and more. She has received nominations for Best of the Net and Pushcart prizes.
PH Coleman
Philip H. Coleman is the long way around–fine arts at Yale, to decades convincing Vermont high schoolers of the symmetric beauty of chemistry, to the molecular science of poetry. His work has appeared in Eunoia Review, Trouvaille Review, Quail Bell Magazine, Dillydoun Review, The Ekphrastic Review, Hyacinth Review, Ink In Thirds, and others.
David Colodney
David Colodney is a poet living in Boynton Beach, Florida. He is author of the chapbook, Mimeograph, and his poetry has appeared in multiple journals. A two-time Pushcart nominee, David has written for the Miami Herald and the Tampa Tribune and currently serves as an associate editor of South Florida Poetry Journal.
Sarah Conrad
Sarah Conrad is a fiction writer based in Houston, Texas. In addition to writing flash fiction, she’s currently working on her first novel. When she’s not writing, she’s spending time with her very energetic dog, Ziggy. You can find more of her published work in #Ranger Magazine and The Belladonna Comedy.
Henry Crawford
Henry Crawford is the author of two collections of poetry, American Software (CW Books, 2017), and Binary Planet (The Word Works, 2020). His poem, “The Fruits of Famine,” won first prize in the 2019 World Food Poetry Competition. He is a co-director of the Café Muse literary salon.
Galen Cunningham
Galen Cunningham is originally from New York (the North Country) but currently lives in Boulder, Colorado. His poetry has been published by Literary Yard, The Creativity Webzine, and Blue Unicorn (forthcoming).
Andrea Damic
Andrea Damic (Sydney, Australia) wears many hats, as her daughter likes to remind her. She’s an artist and a writer. Her education is opposite to her artistic expression—she’s also an accountant with a master’s degree in Economics. She believes there’s something cathartic about seeing your words and art out in the world.
Lara Damic
Lara Damic, born in Sydney, Australia, is a ten-year-old who loves art, music, and dancing. When she grows up, she would like to be a conservationist, a biologist, and an animal behaviorist. Until then, she’ll continue learning, drawing, and taking care of her Cavoodle, Buzz.
David Daniel
David is a Virginia-based writer with current and forthcoming fiction in Severance Magazine, Flash Fiction Magazine, and As Surely As the Sun.
Samantha Marie Daniels
Samantha Marie Daniels is from Sacramento, CA. She has been most recently featured in Constellations, Sheepshead Review, JAKE, and Broad River Review. Her work was selected as a finalist in Broad River Review’s 2024 Rash Award for Fiction.
Eugene Datta
Eugene Datta’s recent work has appeared in The Dalhousie Review, Rise Up Review, The Bombay Literary Magazine, and elsewhere. He edits research articles and lives in Aachen, Germany.
Jon Davis
Jon Davis is the author of 13 books and chapbooks, including Above the Bejeweled City (Grid Books, 2021) and Choose Your Own America (FLP, 2022). Davis also co-translated Iraqi poet Naseer Hassan’s Dayplaces (Tebot Bach, 2017). He has received a Lannan Literary Award, the Lavan Prize, and two National Endowment for the Arts Fellowships.
John Delaney
John’s publications include Waypoints (2017), a collection of place poems; Twenty Questions (2019), a chapbook; Delicate Arch (2022), poems and photographs of national parks and monuments; and Galápagos (2023), a collaborative chapbook of his son Andrew’s photographs and his poems. He lives in Port Townsend, WA.
Steve Denehan
Steve Denehan lives in Kildare, Ireland with his wife Eimear and daughter Robin. He is the award-winning author of two chapbooks and six poetry collections.
Cor de Wulf
Cor de Wulf divides their life between the Pacific Northwest, Normandy, and the Zuid-Limburg region of the Netherlands—that idiosyncratic Dutch province being De Wulf’s home port for decades. De Wulf’s short fiction has appeared in Every Day Fiction.
Salvatore Difalco
Salvatore Difalco is the author of five books, including an illustrated collection of microfiction, The Mountie at Niagara Falls (Anvil Press). He lives in Toronto, Canada.
Laurie Donaldson
Laurie Donaldson is a board member of the Federation of Writers (Scotland) and the Greenock Writers’ Club. He has had poems published in Dreich, Blue Bottle Journal, Cold Moon Journal, BRAG Writers Literary Magazine, Green Ink Poetry, Power Cut magazine, Littoral magazine, what3stories, the Primo Poetica Collection, and numerous anthologies and zines. He also runs poetry and creative writing workshops, and regularly reads at open mics.
Sandrina Dorigo
Sandrina Dorigo is a writer and high school teacher who lives in Melbourne, Australia. She writes fiction and poetry and has been published in The Victorian Writer and The Miramichi Reader.
CB Droege
CB Droege is an author and voice actor from the Queen City living in the Millionendorf. His latest book is Quantum Age Adventures. Short fiction publications include work in Nature Futures, Science Fiction Daily, and dozens of other magazines and anthologies.
Miriam Dunn
Miriam Dunn, raised on Cape Breton Island’s shores, was surrounded by the wild Atlantic coastlines and untamed woodlands, fueling her creativity. An educator, singer, artist, writer, and bread-baker, she’s dedicated to the endless pursuit of beauty. Her work has been published in numerous anthologies, including her own solo collection, Who Will Love the Crow.
Andra Durham
Andra Durham is a transdisciplinary artist based in Houston, Texas. Presently, Durham has a chapbook, Fractured, Yet Healing, published with Wipf and Stock Publishers under its Resource Publications (e.g. poetry, visual art, photography). In Durham’s free time, she produces visual art and performs across venues in the United States and Mexico under the name “sanctuary.”
W. D. Ehrhart
W. D. Ehrhart is a Marine Corps veteran of the American War in Vietnam. He is the author of Thank You for Your Service: Collected Poems, McFarland & Company, Inc., 2019.
Bart Edelman
Bart Edelman’s poetry collections include Crossing the Hackensack, Under Damaris’ Dress, The Alphabet of Love, The Gentle Man, The Last Mojito, The Geographer’s Wife, Whistling to Trick the Wind, and This Body Is Never at Rest: New and Selected Poems 1993 – 2023. He’s taught in the MFA program at Antioch University, Los Angeles. Bart lives in Pasadena, CA.
Ojo Olumide Emmanuel
Ojo Olumide Emmanuel is a Minna-born Nigerian Poet, Educationist, and Book Editor. He is the author of the Poetry Chapbook Supplication For Years in Sands (Polarsphere Books, 2021) and How Flowers Pollinate Before the Arrival of Butterflies (Authorpaedia, 2022). He is the winner of the WeNaija Literary Contest (Non-Fiction, 2023) and first runner-up for the Abubakar Gimba Prize for Non-fiction.
Kevin R. Farrell, Jr.
Kevin R. Farrell, Jr. is a Brooklyn, NY based artist, poet, and educator whose work documents a husband and father dancing the fine line between spiritual bliss and emotional upheaval, with a focus on getting out what he can no longer hold in. Farrell’s life is a work in progress.
Halley Fehner
Halley Fehner is a Maryland-based writer and interpretive planner. Her writing has appeared in Berkeley Fiction Review, The First Line, Taco Bell Quarterly, and elsewhere.
Jason Fisk
Jason Fisk lives and writes in the suburbs of Chicago. He has worked in a psychiatric unit, labored in a cabinet factory, and mixed cement for a bricklayer. He was born in Ohio, raised in Minnesota, and has spent the last few decades in the Chicago area.
Bryan Fitzgerald
Bryan Fitzgerald is a graduate of Kenyon College. He trades commodities in Minneapolis to pay the bills.
Travis Flatt
Travis Flatt (he/him) is an epileptic teacher and actor living outside Nashville, Tennessee. His stories appear in HAD, A Thin Slice of Anxiety, Bending Genres, JMWW, Maudlin House, and elsewhere. He is a Best Small Fictions nominee.
Neil Flory
Neil Flory is the author of mudtrombones knotted in the spill (Arteidolia Press, 2023). His poetry has appeared in various journals such as swifts & slows and Sleet. Also a composer and pianist, Flory lives among the wooded hills of Western New York State with his wife, published poet and fiction writer Elaine Flory, and their three hyperactive cats.
Rocko Foltz
Rocko Foltz is a poet from Cleveland, OH. Rocko holds an MFA in Creative Writing & Poetics from Naropa University and is currently pursuing a PhD in English Literature at the University of Arizona. Rocko’s poetry has been published in J Journal, Sinister Wisdom, Dreampop Journal, and elsewhere.
Michelle Fung
Michelle Fung is a Chinese American writer and student from Washington. Her nonfiction pieces can be found in What We Experience Magazine. She is currently studying at the University of Pennsylvania and writes poetry in between classes or during study breaks.
Timothy Gager
Timothy Gager has published 20 books of fiction and poetry, including his latest novel, The Shadows of the Seen (Pierian Springs Press, 2025). From 2001 to 2018, he hosted the successful Dire Literary Series in Cambridge, MA, and started a weekly virtual series in 2020. He has published over 1,000 works of fiction and poetry and received 18 nominations for the Pushcart Prize.
Christian Garduno
Christian Garduno’s work can be read in over 100 literary magazines. He is the recipient of the 2019 national Willie Morris Award for Southern Poetry. He lives and writes along the South Texas coast with his wonderful wife Nahemie and young son Dylan.
Eirene Gentle
Eirene Gentle is a mid-sized writer of little lit based in Toronto, Canada. Published in journals including The Hooghly Review, Litro, Maudlin House, Roi Faineant, Ink Sweat and Tears, and Bull, coming soon to Leon Literary and Does It Have Pockets.
Timothy Gerken
Tim Gerken teaches writing at Syracuse University. He lives with his partner and their dog Khush in Central New York. His writing and photography have appeared in numerous publications like the wonderful Ink In Thirds.
Lee Gill
Lee Gill is a writer and activist born, raised and based in New Jersey. His work focuses on mental illness, racial injustice, addiction/recovery, and other societal ills that corrupt the human experience.
Ewen Glass
Ewen is a Northern Irish poet who lives in England with two dogs, a tortoise, and lots of self-doubt; on a given day, any or all of these can be snapping at his heels. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in HAD, Bridge Eight, Poetry Scotland, Gordon Square Review, and elsewhere.
Emma Goldman-Sherman
Emma Goldman-Sherman’s poetry is published or forthcoming in Toyon, Gigantic Sequins, Strange Horizons, Anti-Heroin Chic, and others. Their first flash won 3rd Prize in the 2023 Fish Anthology. Emma also writes plays and teaches for the Dramatist Guild Institute. They support writers at and write about wholeness and creativity at
Karen Pierce Gonzalez
Karen Pierce Gonzalez is an intuitive artist who focuses primarily on natural elements. To date, 70+ of her works, including collages in award-winning competitions and cover images, have been published in a range of literary journals/magazines. A 2022 National Arts Program (USA) feature artist, her assemblage art has been shown in Pacific West Coast galleries/museums.
Ben Goodman
Ben Goodman is a poet, counselor, and educator currently residing in the Hudson Valley. His work currently appears in Strange Matters Magazine and is forthcoming in Ginosko Literary Journal and The Healing Muse.
Peter Grant
Peter Grant is an abstract expressionist painter who lives in Huntsville, Alabama. Born in St. Petersburg, FL, he grew up in Greenville, SC, immersed within an artistic family, and studied at Clemson University. Peter paints with acrylics on canvas, using a broad brush and bold, bright colors to create emotion, expressing movement and excitement. Peter paints the ephemeral for his clients, reminding them and providing a glimpse of important and loving moments in time.
Barbara Greenbaum
Barbara P. Greenbaum taught creative writing at Arts at the Capitol Theater, a public magnet arts high school in Willimantic, Connecticut. Her book of poetry, The Last Thing, was published in November of 2022 by Main Street Rag. Her work has been published in Arcturus, Clementine Unbound, The Lascaux Review, The Louisville Review, and The Massachusetts Review, among others.
John Grey
John Grey is an Australian poet, US resident, recently published in New World Writing, North Dakota Quarterly, and Lost Pilots. Latest books, Between Two Fires, Covert, and Memory Outside The Head, are available through Amazon. Work upcoming in California Quarterly, Seventh Quarry, La Presa, and Doubly Mad.
Noll Griffin
Noll Griffin is a visual artist, writer, and musician based in Berlin, Germany. His poetry has appeared in The Purposeful Mayonnaise, The Wild Word, and Reap Thrill, among others. His first chapbook, titled Tourist Info, is available through Alien Buddha Press.
Bronwen Griffiths
Bronwen Griffiths is the author of two collections of flash fiction and two novels. She recently won the Mslexia Flash Fiction competition, and her work has been widely published both in the UK and the USA. She lives in East Sussex, UK.
Ateeb Gul
Ateeb Gul is a PhD student in Islamic studies at the Graduate Program in Religion, Boston University. In addition to being an academic, he is also an editor, writer, poet, and translator. His poetry and translations of poetry have appeared in Oxford University Press’s Literary Imagination, Ink In Thirds, the Sky Island Journal, and Eureka Literary Magazine.
Jennifer Gurney
Jennifer Gurney lives in Colorado, where she teaches, paints, writes, and hikes. Her poetry has appeared internationally in a wide variety of journals. Two of her poems have won international contests, and one was recently turned into a choral piece for a concert. Jennifer’s first book of poetry, My Eyes Adjusting, has recently been published. Her second book of poetry, Liquid Sky, is forthcoming.
Moriah Hampton
Moriah Hampton teaches in the Writing and Critical Inquiry Program at SUNY-Albany. Her fiction, poetry, photography, and photopoetry have appeared in The Coachella Review, Ponder Review, The Hamilton Stone Review, Brief Wilderness, and elsewhere.
Michael Harmon
Michael Harmon has a B.A. in English Literature from Long Island University and a B.S. in Computer Information Systems from Arizona State University. Some of his work has appeared in North American Review, Calliope, and New Plains Review.
Ellen Harrold
Ellen Harrold is an artist, writer, and editor of Metachrosis Literary. She is currently exploring the connections between science, art, and storytelling. She has recently published poetry and art with Die Leere Mitte, Orion, and Skylight 47. She also published her first book, The Aesthetics and Conventions of Medical Art.
Amanda Hawk
Amanda Hawk is a Best of the Net-nominated and Pushcart Prize-nominated Poet. She lives in Seattle. Amanda has been featured in multiple journals, including Volney Road Review, Rogue Agent, and the winnow magazine. She released her first chapbook in 2023, called Rain Stained City. Recently, she placed second in the Seattle Crypticon Horror Short Story contest.
Bridget Hayes
Bridget Hayes lives in Northern California. She is a tech librarian who helps people overcome their fear of technology. When she is not reading or writing, she is likely outside. She lives with her wife and two orange cats.
William Ogden Haynes
William Ogden Haynes is a poet and author of short fiction from Alabama who was born in Michigan. He has published ten collections of poetry and one book of short stories, all available on Over two hundred and thirty of his poems and short stories have appeared in literary journals, and his work is frequently anthologized.
Leah Hearne
Leah Hearne is a creative writing student at Hollins University in Roanoke, VA. Her work has been previously published in Front Porch Review and Trouvaille Review. She loves buying journals and never finishing them, meticulously editing first sentences, and dozing off as the cursor blinks on the screen.
Maryam Hedayat
Maryam Hedayat is a 16-year-old writer currently residing in the UK. She enjoys observing the quiet moments in her life and, of course, writing. She has been previously published in Matchbook Press, Kaleidos Zine, Rewrite the Stars, as well as Poetry4Progress and Auvert Magazine.
Amshuman Hegde
Amshuman Hegde is a writer residing in Bangalore, South India with his partner & two cats. He writes to pay the bills, the piper, and his respects to the world & its constituents. He’s previously been published in the Nether Quarterly.
Ken Hines
Sometime poet. One-time ad agency writer and college English teacher. Full-time husband, dad, grandpa, friend. Poems in Rust & Moth, Burningword Literary Journal, Dunes Review, and others. Essays in Philosophy Now and Barrelhouse. Recent Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net nominee.
Thomas Holton
Thomas Holton is a Florida-born writer and poet based in Chicago. He has poems published in Red Ogre Review, hu the zine, and The Rappahannock Review.
Mary Horner
Mary Horner is the author of Strengthen Your Nonfiction Writing and teaches communications at St. Louis Community College. Her short stories and poems have appeared in various literary journals. She is the former managing editor of the Journal of the American Optometric Association and Solutions Magazine. She is a former writer at Decor Magazine and for Art Business News.
Jen Horsfall
Jen Horsfall is a critic and poet who teaches English in East London. She has reviewed poetry for Poetry London and facilitates writing workshops between established poets and young adults through the First Story charity organisation and is currently completing her MA in Literature and Critical Theory at Goldsmith’s.
Paul Hostovsky
Paul Hostovsky has won a Pushcart Prize and two Best of the Net Awards. His latest book is PITCHING FOR THE APOSTATES (Kelsay, 2023). He makes his living in Boston as a sign language interpreter.
CJ House
CJ House is a student at the Philippine High School for The Arts.
Katie Hughbanks
Katie Hughbanks is a writer, photographer, and teacher whose photography has been recognized internationally. Her photos appear in more than two dozen publications, including Peatsmoke Journal, In Parentheses, L’Esprit Literary Review, New Feathers Anthology, Glassworks Magazine, Azahares, Cool Beans, Moonday Mag, and Black Fork Review. She is obsessed with how water impacts photographs.
Mark Hurtubise
Mark Hurtubise. During the 1970s, numerous works were published. Then family, two college presidencies, and CEO of a foundation. Four decades later, he has appeared in such locales as pacificREVIEW; Grub Street; Burningword; Ink in Thirds; december; Artemis; Wayne Literary Review; North Dakota Quarterly; Stanford Social Review; Aji; Penumbra; Aura; Monovisions (2020, 2021); Monochrome (2022); Art Impact International exhibition (2023).
Abu Ibrahim
Abu Ibrahim is an award-winning poet and spoken word artist from Nigeria.
Ayòdéjì Israel
Ayòdéjì Israel, a poet, writer, and editor, is a Pushcart Prize nominee. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in Channel Magazine, Eunoia Review, Counterclock, Ake Review, Defunct Magazine, OneArtPoetry, Livina Press, The Bitchin Kitsch & elsewhere.
James Croal Jackson
James Croal Jackson is a Filipino-American poet who works in film production. His latest chapbooks are Count Seeds With Me (Ethel Zine & Micro-Press, 2022) and Our Past Leaves (Kelsay Books, 2021). Recent poems are in Stirring, Vilas Avenue, and *82 Review. He edits The Mantle Poetry from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Austin Allen James
Austin Allen James is a Visiting Professor at Texas Southern University in Houston, TX. He has taught at TSU since the Fall of 2012. In 2016, Austin and colleagues formed a committee to create a “Professional Writing” concentration, which includes five creative writing classes. Austin is also a visual artist, sculptor, and furniture designer.
G. Tarsiscis Janetka
G. Tarsiscis Janetka is a writer based in Central Florida. His work has been featured in Lit. 202, Helix, Hawaii Pacific Review, and others. More of his writings can be found at He is currently seeking representation for his first novel.
Philip Jason
Philip Jason’s writing can be found in Prairie Schooner, Ninth Letter, Lake Effect, The Indianapolis Review, and other journals. His first novel, Window Eyes, is available from Unsolicited Press. His first collection of poetry, I Don’t Understand Why It’s Crazy to Hear the Beautiful Songs of Nonexistent Birds, is forthcoming from Fernwood Press.
Mark Jensen
Mark C. Jensen is a Boston-area attorney and writer. He is a regular contributor to The Montreal Review, and his poetry has previously been published in Ink in Thirds and other journals.
Nancy Jorgensen
Nancy Jorgensen is a Wisconsin writer, educator, and musician. Her most recent book is a middle-grade sports biography, Gwen Jorgensen: USA’s First Olympic Gold Medal Triathlete (Meyer & Meyer). Her essays appear in Ms. Magazine, The Offing, River Teeth, Wisconsin Public Radio, Cheap Pop, and elsewhere.
Kipras Kaukenas
Kipras Kaukenas is a Lithuanian writer residing in the Netherlands. He has an educational background in Modern Philosophy with a focus on phenomenology, culture, and the philosophy of technology. His fiction works have been published in The GOAT PoL, Sarmad Magazine, and Soapbox Journal.
Robert Keal
Robert Keal hails from Kent but currently lives in Solihull, West Midlands, where he works as a copywriter. His recent work can be found in 100 Word Story and The Ekphrastic Review. He loves walking the tightrope between strangeness and reality.
Michael Kfoury
Michael Kfoury studied Political Science and Creative Writing at Suffolk University. An emerging writer, he has been previously published in the Venture Literary Arts Magazine and Stripes Literary Magazine. An old soul, Michael enjoys classic rock, classic movies, and classic literature.
Sam Kilkenny
Sam Kilkenny is a nonfiction writer and poet. He lives in Atlanta, GA, where he writes every day. He is currently writing with C.W. Bryan at His work can be found on the website, most notably his poems for the Poetry is Plagiarism Series. When he isn’t writing, you can find him biking around Atlanta like a madman.
Bob King
Bob is an English Professor at Kent State University at Stark. His poetry collection And & And, published in August 2024. And/Or is forthcoming in September 2025. Recent nominations include 3 Pushcart Prizes & 3 BoTN. New work appears in LEON Literary Review, The Broken Spine, & Allium: A Journal of Poetry & Prose. He lives in Fairview Park, Ohio.
Hilary King
Hilary King is a poet originally from Virginia and now living in the San Francisco Bay Area of California. Her poems have appeared or will appear in Ploughshares, Salamander, TAB, Belletrist, SWWIM, Fourth River, The Cortland Review, and other publications. She is the author of the book of poems, The Maid’s Car, and the founder of Bay Area Poets.
Craig Kirchner
Craig has written poetry all his life, is now retired, and thinks of poetry as hobo art. He loves storytelling and the aesthetics of paper and pen. He was nominated twice for the Pushcart Prize in the early 2000’s, and has a book of poetry, Roomful of Navels. After a writing hiatus, he was recently published in Decadent Review.
Kip Knott
Kip Knott is a writer, poet, teacher, photographer, and part-time art dealer living in Ohio. His writing has recently appeared in Best Microfiction 2024 and The Wigleaf Top 50. His most recent book of poetry, A Mob of Kangaroos, is available from Ridge Books.
John Kojak
Craig has written poetry all his life, is now retired, and thinks of poetry as hobo art. He loves storytelling and the aesthetics of paper and pen. He was nominated twice for the Pushcart Prize in the early 2000’s, and has a book of poetry, Roomful of Navels. After a writing hiatus, he was recently published in Decadent Review.
Candace Kubinec
Candace is a poet and photographer from Western Pennsylvania. She tries to find the wonder in the everyday and share it through words and pictures.
E.P. Lande
Born in Montreal, E.P. Lande has lived in France and now, with his partner, in Vermont. Previously, he taught at l’Université d’Ottawa as a Vice-Dean and owned country inns and restaurants. Since submitting less than two years ago, more than 40 of his stories have been accepted by publications in countries on five continents.
Ryan Lee
Ryan Lee is a freshman at Binghamton University. He is studying mathematics and comparative literature. In his free time, he writes poetry, exploring the darker nature of life, plays table tennis, and enjoys reading a variety of genres.
Nancy Smiler Levinson
Nancy is author of Moments of Dawn: A Poetic Memoir and a poetry collection, The Diagnosis Changes Everything. Her work has appeared in Panoply, Constellations, Hamilton Stone Review, Sleet, Copperfield Review, Poetica, Burningword Literary Journal, and elsewhere. In past chapters of her life, she published some thirty books for young readers. She lives and writes in Los Angeles.
Kate Lewington
From the South of England, Kate is a writer/poet and blogger. Their writing is largely based on the themes of belonging, loss, mental illness, and wonder.
Chris Litsey
Chris Litsey is a teacher, aspiring poet, and former editor of Indiana University Purdue University Columbus’s literary magazine, Talking Leaves. He is published there and in Discretionary Love. He is also a father and a lover of reading, writing, getting tattooed, and exploring museums. He lives in Muncie, Indiana, where he teaches and writes.
Kenna Lloyd
Kenna Lloyd is a recent graduate of the University of Victoria’s writing program. She has been published in various magazines such as Scene PG, YAM Magazine, and The Tyee. Her interests include creative nonfiction and journalism.
Hans Robinson Loja
Hans Robinson Loja is currently a medical student attending school in San Antonio, Texas. While writing poetry has been a longstanding hobby for him, among other activities, he also enjoys singing and hanging out with friends, as well as playing video games.
Emily Lyon
Emily Lyon is a creative writing student from the UK. When she isn’t reading or writing, she can usually be found in a bookshop somewhere, volunteering and/or buying most of their stock.
Giulio Maffii
Maffii was born in Florence, Italy. His studies are dedicated to poetry (linear-experimental-visual) and its diffusion. He has been published in many international magazines. He collaborates with the “Bubamara Teatro” Theater Company. He teaches at the University of Florence. He plays with photographs and collages.
James Maloney
James Maloney lives and works in the West End of Washington DC. He writes essays, short stories, and poems, often considering the psyche in relation to cultural or natural tensions. His recent work appears in JMWW, Verse-Virtual, and Sisyphus Magazine, among other publications.
Lance Manion
Lance Manion is the author of twelve collections of flash fiction, the most recent of which, The Forest of Stone, was published in January. His stories have appeared in 50+ publications and have been included in over a dozen anthologies. He has been posting daily stories on his website since 2012.
Amy Marques
Amy Marques grew up between languages and places and learned, from an early age, the multiplicity of narratives. She is editor & artist for the Duets anthologies, contributor to the collective The Pride Roars, author & artist of the chapbook Are You Willing? and the found poetry book PARTS. More on her website.
Joan Mazza
Joan Mazza worked as a microbiologist and psychotherapist, and taught workshops on understanding dreams and nightmares. She is the author of six self-help psychology books, including Dreaming Your Real Self (Penguin/Putnam). Her poetry has appeared in The Comstock Review, Prairie Schooner, Atlanta Review, Slant, Poet Lore, and The Nation. She lives in rural central Virginia.
Sara McClayton
Sara McClayton is an educator and writer living in Baltimore, Maryland with her husband and dog. In addition to writing, she enjoys exploring the outdoors, teaching and practicing yoga, and reading.
Kaecey McCormick
Kaecey McCormick lives in the SF Bay Area, where she pretends to be a focused freelancer when she’d rather be crafting poems. In her free time, she reads, attempts to make non-dairy milks (sometimes with success), and takes copious notes while people-watching over coffee. She shares her home with a long-suffering spouse, two cats, and a growing collection of rocks.
Ali Mckenzie-Murdoch
Nuala McEvoy started writing and painting during the pandemic. Since then, both hobbies have become her passions. Her written work (poetry and prose) has been published in online and paper journals and anthologies, and she has read on podcasts. Her paintings currently appear in two exhibitions in Münster, Germany, and in several online journals.
Nuala McEvoy
Ali Mckenzie-Murdoch (UK) lives in Zürich, Switzerland. Her work appears in JMWW, Fractured Lit, Ilanot Review, Litro, Flash Frontier, Bright Flash Literary Review, and others. She is a Fractured Lit Flash Open Contest Finalist, was shortlisted for the National Flash Fiction Day 2023 Micro-Fiction Competition, and received an Honourable Mention in the 2023 Scribes Prize.
Sarah McNamara
Sarah’s work has been featured in Ink In Thirds (100 Word Story) online and published in The Writing Disorder, Free Flash Fiction, and 101 Words. Find more on her website.
Sahil Mehta
Sahil Mehta was born and raised in India. He currently lives in Boston, MA, where he works in the hospitality industry. He has over two decades of experience in educational publishing, but his foray into fiction is much more recent. His short fiction has appeared in Foglifter Journal, Roadrunner Review, and South 85 Journal.
Mahdi Meshkatee
Mahdi Meshkatee is a UK-born, Iranian poet, author, and artist. His translation of the children’s novel Witch Wars by Sibéal Pounder has been published by Golazin Publication Company. His work has been published in a number of magazines, including October Hill Magazine, Nude Bruce Review, and Men Matters Online Journal. His writings are a continuity of attempts at decoding himself.
Isha Mital
Isha’s poetry seeks to capture the complexities of the human experience and distill them into something transparent while inviting the readers to delve into the depths of their own intellectual and emotional landscapes. Her work is a continuous exploration of the status of poetry as a means of expression, connection, and a perpetual arrival at one’s own place in life.
Kaci MoDavis
Kaci MoDavis is an undergraduate student studying Creative Writing and Sociology at Susquehanna University. Her work has appeared in publications such as Rivercraft Magazine, Sanctuary Magazine, and Apricot Press. When she isn’t writing about melancholic situations and frustrating protagonists, you can find her gorging on horror films and feeding the wildlife in her mountainous backyard.
Indira Moosai
Indira Moosai is a 25-year-old who likes to dream on paper. Though originally from Trinidad, she currently resides in Florida. She holds a B.A. in Writing from The University of Tampa, and when not writing, one can find her performing aerial arts or meditating.
Michael Moreth
Michael Moreth is a recovering Chicagoan living in the rural, micropolitan City of Sterling, the Paris of Northwest Illinois.
Kate Morgan
Kate Morgan is a poet with a history of awards since the age of 5 who has a Green Vision for the world.
Jonathan Moskaluk
Jonathan Moskaluk lives with his wife and cat on Vancouver Island, BC. His work has been published (or is forthcoming) in The Malahat Review, Dipity, Arboreal, Instant Noodles, Asylum, Sea & Cedar, The Heron’s Nest, and more.
Norman Wm. Muise
Norman Wm makes his home in southern Ontario. He’s been writing haiku/senyru for a few years now.
Leah Mueller
Leah Mueller’s work is in Rattle, NonBinary Review, Brilliant Flash Fiction, Citron Review, The Spectacle, New Flash Fiction Review, Does It Have Pockets, Outlook Springs, Your Impossible Voice, etc. She appears in the 2022 edition of Best Small Fictions. Her fourteenth book, Stealing Buddha, was published by Anxiety Press.
Benjamin Nardolilli
Ben Nardolilli is currently an MFA candidate at Long Island University. His work has appeared in Perigee Magazine, Red Fez, SLAB, Quail Bell Magazine, Elimae, The Northampton Review, Door Is A Jar Literary Magazine, The Minetta Review, and Yes Poetry.
Morgan Neering
Born and raised in small town USA, Morgan is an American writer and poet living in France. She is currently working on her debut photo-poetry collection, focusing on the exploration of nostalgia and self-discovery.
Bill Neumire
Bill Neumire has two books of poems in the world.
Ivan Niccolai
Ivan Niccolai is an emerging writer. Ivan was raised by swinging, globetrotting Christian hippy parents across twenty countries and enjoyed the pleasures and instability of that lifestyle. He learned on his own how to drop out of grade school and behave appropriately in an office job. He currently lives in Melbourne, Australia, with two silly cats and a wise partner.
Victoria Nordlund
Victoria Nordlund’s poetry collection Wine-Dark Sea was published by Main Street Rag in 2020. She is a Best of the Net and Pushcart Prize Nominee, whose work has appeared in PANK Magazine, Rust+Moth, Chestnut Review, Pidgeonholes, and elsewhere.
Timothy Norton
Tim Norton has always been a creative person, and his creative writing was encouraged by teachers as he went through elementary and secondary school. In college he found the poetic form to be a natural way to express himself and the perceptions he felt he needed to say.
Irina Tall Novikova
Irina Tall Novikova is an artist, graphic artist, and illustrator. She graduated from the State Academy of Slavic Cultures with a degree in art and also has a bachelor’s degree in design. The first personal exhibition, “My soul is like a wild hawk” (2002), was held in the Museum of Maxim Bogdanovich. In her works, she raises themes of ecology.
Chizitere Madeleine Nwaemesi
Chizitere Madeleine Nwaemesi is a Nigerian writer whose works have been published in Isele Magazine, African Writer Magazine, The Shallow Tales Review, Efiko Magazine, and Akpata Magazine. She is the author of Roses & Prickles.
Réka Nyitrai
Réka Nyitrai is a Romanian-Hungarian poet who discovered her poetic voice at forty-one, mainly through Japanese short forms, but particularly haiku. Her debut haiku collection, While Dreaming Your Dreams, won the Touchstone Distinguished Books Award for 2020. Following this, she began to write both prose and lineated poems. She writes in English, her third language.
Jeffrey Ogochukwu
Jeffrey Ogochukwu is a poet and writer who lives in Nigeria. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in numerous places, including: Fabula Argentea, The Kalahari Review, 2022 Kepressing Anthology Prize, Rat’s Ass Review, Thirteen Podcast, D’Lit Review, Spillwords, and The Red Mud Review.
Temidayo Okun
Temidayo Okun (he/him): is a Nigerian poet who prefers to be referred to as 19. He likes catching snowflakes & writing flowerbombs. His works have been published or forthcoming in literary blogs & magazines such as Hey Young Writer, Afrocritik, Pawners Paper, and The Serulian. He was also shortlisted for the Akachi Chukwuemeka prize.
Jake Onyett
Jake Onyett is a U.S. Navy veteran who was born in Canada, raised in the United States, and currently lives in Italy. He graduated from Niagara University, the University of Texas at Austin, and the University of Bologna. His poetry appears in In Parentheses, Litbreak Magazine, Mediterranean Poetry, Stone Poetry Quarterly, and Death Lifespan Vol. 12 (Pure Slush).
Katherine Page
Katherine Page is an elementary school teacher and writer living in Chicago. She has poems published in Open Minds Quarterly, Awakened Voices Magazine, Beyond Words Quarterly, Evocations Review, Bluestem Magazine, Passengers Journal, Rough Cut, and Green Linden Press. She is a graduate of the 2022-2023 Lighthouse Writers Workshop Poetry Collective in Denver, CO.
Mirja Paljakka
Mirja, the Finnish artist and photographer, operates from the countryside town of Ylojarvi with great passion and creativity. For her, photography is a never-ending journey that imparts new lessons every day, much like being a playful child and an everyday explorer.
A.J. Parker
A.J. Parker grew up in Phoenix, Arizona, and then spent some time on the East Coast trying to make up for all that water she lost. She’s won journalistic awards from the Columbia Scholastic Press Association as well as the Arizona Interscholastic Press Association and the National Scholastic Press Association. Now, she’s venturing into the literary world.
Firdaus Parvez
Firdaus Parvez lives in Aligarh, a town close to New Delhi, India. She writes short stories, flash fiction, and poems about love and loss, family and relationships, stumbling across them in folds of ordinary lives. Currently, she’s the associate editor of haikuKATHA, a monthly online journal.
Shaurya Pathania
Shaurya Pathania holds a Masters Degree in English Literature from University of Delhi, India. He has a keen interest in poetry, sleep, and food. Few of his works have appeared or are forthcoming in JAKE, Rising Action Review, Synchronized Chaos, Daily Drunk Mag, and elsewhere.
Antonio Perez
Antonio Perez is 17 years old and lives in Utah. He is currently a senior in high school. Writing is a hobby of his which he likes to do in his free time.
Tina Pillay
Tina Pillay’s poems, fiction and art have featured on BBC Radio, Kitaab, The Mean Journal, Blink-Ink, Borderless Journal, The Chakkar, Madras Courier, The Pine Cone Review, The Literary Times Magazine, The Punch Magazine, Shooter Magazine, Artist Talk magazine, Chestnut Review, The Penn Review, Inscape Journal, and Another Chicago Magazine among others. She is passionate about writing, painting, cats, and food.
Frederick Pollack
Author of two book-length narrative poems, The Adventure and Happiness (Story Line Press; the former reissued in 2022 by Red Hen Press), and three collections, A Poverty of Words (Prolific Press, 2015), Landscape with Mutant (Smokestack Books, UK, 2018), and The Beautiful Losses (Better Than Starbucks Books, September 2023). Many other poems are in print and online journals. Poetics: neither navel-gazing nor mainstream.
Matthew Porubsky
Matthew Porubsky is a writer born and raised in Topeka, Kansas. He is the author of voyeur poems, Fire Mobile (the pregnancy sonnets), John, Ruled by Pluto, and Serpent’s Lap. He currently works as a copywriter at the University of Kansas.
John RC Potter
John RC Potter is an international educator from Canada, living in Istanbul. His poems, stories, essays, and reviews have appeared in a range of magazines, most recently in The Serulian (“The Memory Box”, September 2023). The author has several upcoming publications in the coming months, including an essay in The Montreal Review.
Bea Potts
Bea Potts is a Japanese-American autistic non-binary trans woman who studied anthropology long ago. She spends her days working a 9-5, caring for a twenty-something red-eared slider, and petting her aunt’s dog, Daisy. She sends her love to the reader and whispers that it’ll get better.
Lee Potts
Lee Potts is founder and editor-in-chief of Stone Circle Review. A Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net nominee, his work has appeared in The Night Heron Barks, Rust + Moth, Whale Road Review, UCity Review, Firmament, Moist Poetry Journal, and elsewhere. In 2021, his chapbook, And Drought Will Follow, was published by Frosted Fire Press.
Fabrice Poussin
Poussin is a professor of French and World Literature. His work in poetry and photography has appeared in Kestrel, Symposium, The Chimes, and hundreds of other publications worldwide. Most recently, his collections In Absentia, and If I Had a Gun, Half Past Life were published in 2021, 2022, and 2023 by Silver Bow Publishing.
Keith J. Powell
Keith J. Powell is co-founder of Your Impossible Voice.
Diana Raab
Diana Raab, MFA, PhD, is a poet, memoirist, blogger, speaker, and award-winning author of thirteen books. Her latest book is Hummingbird: Messages from my Ancestors. She also blogs for Psychology Today, The Wisdom Daily, Thrive Global and is a guest blogger for many others.
Scott Ragland
Scott Ragland has an MFA in Creative Writing (fiction) from UNC Greensboro. His stories have appeared in Beloit Fiction Journal, NANO Fiction, Ambit, The Common (online), Fiction International, Brilliant Flash Fiction, and The MacGuffin, among others. He lives in Carrboro, N.C., with his wife Ann, a dog, and a cat.
Dan Raphael
Dan Raphael’s last two books are In the Wordshed (Last Word Press, ’22) and Moving with Every (Flowstone Press, ’20.) More recent poems appear in Umbrella Factory, Concision, Brief Wilderness, Spare Parts, and Unlikely Stories. Most Wednesdays, Dan writes and records a current events poem for The KBOO Evening News.
James Reed
Stories by James Reed have appeared in such journals as Quick Fiction, Book of Matches, Puerto del Sol, and The Gettysburg Review, and among other honors, he holds a Fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts.
Allison Renner
Allison Renner’s fiction and photography have appeared in South Florida Poetry Journal, Briefly Write, Ellipsis Zine, Six Sentences, Rejection Letters, Atlas and Alice, Misery Tourism, FERAL, and vulnerary magazine. Her chapbook Won’t Be By Your Side is out from Alien Buddha Press.
Julianna Riccioli
Julianna Riccioli is a third-year English major at UT Austin. When she isn’t writing, she is tending to the growing collection of plants on her windowsill, trying coffee drinks, or thrifting. In her writing, she hopes to portray the whimsy and the mystery that life may bring. Her work can be found in Apricity Magazine and Hothouse Literary Journal.
Susan Richardson
Susan Richardson is the author of Things My Mother Left Behind, from Baxter House Editions, Tiger Lily an Ekphrastic Collaboration with artist Jane Cornwell, and Smatterings of Cerulean, a collection of short poems accompanied by the photographs of Ken Whytock, from Dark Winter Press. She also writes the blog Stories from the Edge of Blindness and hosts the podcasts A Thousand Shades of Green and Story Sessions.
Ron Riekki
Ron Riekki has been awarded a 2016 Shenandoah Fiction Prize, 2016 IPPY Award, 2019 Red Rock Film Fest Award, 2019 Best of the Net finalist, 2019 Très Court International Film Festival Audience Award and Grand Prix, 2020 Dracula Film Festival Vladutz Trophy, 2020 Rhysling Anthology inclusion, and 2022 Pushcart Prize. Right now, Riekki’s listening to LCD Soundsystem’s “All My Friends.”
Ian Robertson
Ian Douglas Robertson has had a number of short stories published in online and print magazines. He has also published several novels. His latest, The Return of the Dissolute Son, was published in August 2024.
Elizabeth Robinson
Elizabeth Robinson is from Cambridge, England. Her essays have been featured in Varsity and the Cambridge Review of Books. Her poetry has appeared in Sontag Magazine, Midsummer Magazine, and Perpetual Novice. She said a prayer when you didn’t come home last night.
Logan Rose
Logan Rose is the author of “Cat Eyes” in Dream Noir and “Wild Strawberries” in Creation Magazine. She has been an artist-in-residence at Château d’Orquevaux and is currently seeking representation for her debut novel, How to Kill Yourself and Make it Look Like an Accident.
Antara Roy
Antara Roy is a writer and poet based out of Bangalore, India. A graduate of the EFLU, Hyderabad, her writings are about everyday, common people and the magic in their lives, which often goes unnoticed.
Elodie A. Roy
Elodie A. Roy is a French-born writer living in Newcastle upon Tyne, England. Her stories and poems have appeared in The Stinging Fly, Flash Frog, New World Writing, The Oxonian Review, Masks Literary Magazine, RAUM, and elsewhere. As a cultural theorist, she’s the author of two nonfiction academic books.
Kelli Dianne Rule
Kelli Dianne Rule is an author of dark fiction who claims roots in the backwoods of Florida. Her work has been published by Heavy Feather Review, JMWW, The Avenue Journal, Luna Station Quarterly, and more. Her short story anthology, Florida, Deep and Dark, is currently in the works.
Thaddeus Rutkowski
Thaddeus Rutkowski is the author of seven books, most recently Tricks of Light, a poetry collection. He teaches at Medgar Evers College and Columbia University and received a fiction writing fellowship from the New York Foundation for the Arts.
William Ryan
William Ryan is an Irish-born, Los Angeles-based writer, photographer, and videographer. He prefers works about drifters and scoundrels and will always root for the underdog. Always.
Michael Salcman
Michael Salcman, former neurosurgery chairman, University of Maryland. Poems in Barrow Street, Harvard Review, Hudson Review, and Smartish Pace. Books include The Clock Made of Confetti, Poetry in Medicine, classic and contemporary poems about medicine, A Prague Spring (Sinclair Poetry Prize), Shades & Graces, Daniel Hoffman Book Prize winner, and Necessary Speech: New & Selected Poems (Spuyten Duyvil in 2022).
Bradley Samore
Bradley Samore has worked as an editor, writing consultant, English teacher, creative writing teacher, basketball coach, and family support facilitator. His writing has appeared in The Florida Review, Carve, The Dewdrop, and other publications. He is a winner of the Creative Writing Ink Poetry Prize.
Harriet Samuelson
Harriet Samuelson is a Boston-based research administrator and photographer. Her images are environmental portraits, documenting the quotidian, but often in an abstract way.
Terry Sanville
Terry Sanville lives in San Luis Obispo, California with his artist-poet wife and two plump cats. Numerous journals, magazines, and anthologies have accepted his stories and essays. Three of his stories were nominated for Pushcart Prizes, and one for inclusion in the Best of the Net Anthology.
Agniv Sarkar
Agniv Sarkar is a student of mathematics and philosophy, leaving high school early to further these pursuits. He found poetry through philosophy and found the intersection of the two able to create the most beautiful artwork.
Gerard Sarnat
Gerard Sarnat MD has won prizes/been nominated for handfuls of Pushcarts/Best of Net Awards, authored four collections, and is widely published including recently by Dartmouth, Penn, Oberlin, Brown, Harvard, Stanford, Columbia, Chicago, Wesleyan, Johns Hopkins, Review Berlin, New Ulster, Gargoyle, Margie, Main Street Rag, New Delta Review, Free State Review, Brooklyn Review, Los Angeles Review, San Francisco Magazine, and New York Times.
JoAnna Scandiffio
JoAnna is a gemologist living in San Francisco Her poems are associative, one thought leading to another direction. They are active, disarrayed, young ponies eager to leap off the page. Her work has appeared in Calyx, The Poeming Pigeon, Poets 11, Odes to Our Undoing, The MacGuffin, Sugared Water, Naugatuck Review, and other journals.
John Schiano
John received his Fine Arts degree from The Cooper Union and has won several awards for his poetry and artwork, including awards from the Poetic Genius Society, Shadow Poetry, and the Winsor & Newton Award for Portraiture. His work has appeared in the 9/24 issues of Ink In Thirds and Rising Phoenix Review and will appear in #RANGER‘s spring issue.
Donald Sellitti
Donald Sellitti was a scientist/educator at a Federal medical school before turning to poetry following his retirement. His publications in medical journals such as Cancer Research and Oncology Letters have been succeeded by publications in a number of more amusingly titled journals, including The Alchemy Spoon, Door is A Jar, Gyroscope Review, and Rat’s Ass Review.
Allen Seward
Allen Seward is a poet from the Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia. His work has appeared in Scapegoat Review, Spare Parts Lit, Impspired, and Pandemonium Journal, among others. He currently resides in WV with his partner and four cats.
Brandon Shane
Brandon Shane is an alum of California State University, Long Beach. Now a writing instructor, you can see his work in the Berlin Literary Review, Acropolis Journal, Grim & Gilded, Messy Misfits, Remington Review, Mister Magazine, and Sophon Lit, among others.
Laura Shell
Laura Shell has been published in NUNUM, Typishly, Maudlin House, and many others. Her first anthology of paranormal stories, The Canine Collection, was released this year. She’s a prolific writer and submitter of flash fiction, and the Editor-in-Chief of the Flash Phantoms site.
Beth Sherman
Beth Sherman’s writing has been published in more than 90 literary journals, including 100 Word Story, Fictive Dream, and Bending Genres Journal. Her work will be featured in The Best Microfictions 2024. She’s also a Pushcart, Best Small Fictions, and multiple Best of the Net nominee. She can be reached at @bsherm36 or
James Siegel
James J. Siegel is a Pushcart-nominated poet and arts organizer. He is the author of the poetry collections The God of San Francisco (Sibling Rivalry Press) and How Ghosts Travel. His poems have been featured in several journals and anthologies, including the Cortland Review, Borderlands: Texas Poetry Review, HIV Here & Now, Foglifter, and more.
Beate Sigriddaughter
Beate Sigriddaughter lives in Silver City, New Mexico (Land of Enchantment), where she was poet laureate from 2017 to 2019.
Sally Simon
Sally Simon lives in upstate NY, where she plays with words and, more recently, pictures. Self-taught, she started making collages for her kids’ apartment walls, and she hasn’t stopped. Her hybrid art/words have been published in Ink in Thirds and Cutbow Quarterly.
Cheryl Snell
Cheryl Snell’s books include several poetry collections and the novels of her Bombay Trilogy. Her latest title is a series called Intricate Things in their Fringed Peripheries. Most recently, her writing has appeared in Gone Lawn, Impspired, Necessary Fiction, Pure Slush, and other journals. A classical pianist, she lives in Maryland with her husband, a mathematical engineer.
Noah Soltau
Noah Soltau teaches about art, literature, and society to the mostly-willing. He is Managing Editor of The Red Branch Review. His most recent work appears in Eunoia Review, Penumbra Online, Still: The Journal, and elsewhere. He lives and works in East Tennessee.
Soulhearts’ love for Haiku and poetry awakened the creative spirit in her. She started writing micro-poetry on love, loss, nature, and emotions that touch the human soul. She also dabbles in photography, multi-media art, and paper crafts. Her poetry is part of the published anthologies, Into the Void issue 2, Luminous Echoes, Yearnings, and Metaphorphisis.
Louis Staeble
Louis Staeble, fine arts photographer and poet, lives in Bowling Green, Ohio. His photographs have appeared in Agave, Blinders Journal, Blue Hour, Cenacle, and numerous others.
Lola Stansbury-Jones
Lola is a young, working-class writer originally from North Wales. Her work has been featured in Headline Poetry, Literary Yard, and Friday Flash Fiction. She was also named one of the Best New British and Irish Poets by the Black Spring Press Group in 2021.
Robert Steward
Robert Steward teaches English as a foreign language and lives in London. His stories have appeared in Scrittura, Literally Stories, Across the Margin, The Ogilvie, The Door Is A Jar, and others.
Alex Stolis
Alex Stolis lives in Minneapolis and has had poems published in numerous journals. Two full-length collections, Pop. 1280 and John Berryman Died Here, were released by Cyberwit and are available on Amazon. His work has previously appeared or is forthcoming in Piker’s Press, Jasper’s Folly Poetry Journal, Beatnik Cowboy, One Art Poetry, Black Moon Magazine, and Star 82 Review.
Eric Fisher Stone
Eric Fisher Stone is a poet, composition instructor, and PhD student in Stillwater, Oklahoma. His publications include three full-length collections of poems: The Providence of Grass, from Chatter House Press; Animal Joy, from WordTech Editions; and Bear Lexicon, by Clare Songbirds Publishing House.
Mark Strohschein
Mark Strohschein is a Washington state poet who resides on Whidbey Island. His poems have appeared in Flint Hills Review, Bryant Literary Review, Main Street Rag, Barren Magazine, Lips Poetry Magazine, The Milk House, The Big Windows Review, and in anthologies. Forthcoming work will appear in The Mantelpiece Literary Magazine and Washington Square Review.
Tom Stuckey
Tom writes poems and stories but sometimes takes a picture.
Imran Sulola
Sulola, Imran Abiola (The Official Sulola) [he/his] is from Oyo state, Nigeria. He is a mobile photographer poet, with some of their work published in The Quills, Kalopsia Lit Magazine, Lumiere Review, Undivided Magazine, Wondrous Real Magazine, ARTmosterrific, Kaedi Africa, Best Of Africa, Rasa Literary Review, Odd Mag, Macro Magazine, and The Roadrunner.
Edward Michael Supranowicz
Edward Michael Supranowicz is the grandson of Irish and Russian/Ukrainian immigrants. He grew up on a small farm in Appalachia. He has a graduate background in painting and printmaking. Some of his artwork has recently or will soon appear in Fish Food, Streetlight, Another Chicago Magazine, The Door Is A Jar, The Phoenix, and The Harvard Advocate.
John Swofford
John Swofford graduated from Georgia State University with a bachelor’s degree in English Literature. He is forty-six years old and has a relatively large body of work. His self-published books include a book of sonnets, The Infidel (2024), and two book-length rhyming poems, The Absent Lover (2023) and The People of Eden (2024). He lives in Rex, GA.
William Teets
William Teets, born in Peekskill, New York, has recently relocated to Southeast Michigan. He misses NY pizza, the Hudson River, and Fran, Remember the Good Times ‘68. Mr. Teets’ work has been published in various journals, including Ariel Chart, Drunk Monkeys, and Impspired. A collection of his poetry, After the Fall, was published by Cajun Mutt Press (February 2023).
Phillip Temples
Phillip Temples is still trying to make sense of it all. Writing and photography help.
George Thomas
George Thomas, member of the Silent Generation, Navy veteran, and retired machinist, earned his MFA at Eastern Washington University. He co-founded and edited Willow Springs while there and published/edited the monthly George & Mertie’s Place for six years. Previously published in Anglo-Welsh Review, Work Literary Magazine, Willow Springs, Bellowing Ark, Crab Creek Review, Kestrel, Southern Poetry Review, and North Dakota Quarterly, to name a few.
Marjorie Thomsen
Marjorie Thomsen is the author of Pretty Things Please (Turning Point, 2016). Poems from this collection were read on The Writer’s Almanac. Her poem about hiking in a dress and high heels has been made into a short animated film. She has served as Poet in Residence in schools throughout New England and is a psychotherapist in the Boston area.
Jeffery Allen Tobin
Jeffery Allen Tobin is a political scientist and researcher based in South Florida. His extensive body of work primarily explores U.S. foreign policy, democracy, national security, and migration. He has been writing poetry and prose for more than 30 years. He has forthcoming publications in Passionfruit Review, Loud Coffee Press, Poetry Pacific, and Rundelania.
Goran Tomic
Goran Tomic is a Collisionist Autodidact Artist from Sydney, Australia, who has exhibited his Collages, Video Installations, and Performance art over the past 20 years. Raised on Rauschenberg and born posthumously, he flâneurs the urban decay, searching for his Wilderness robe.
Audrey Towns
Audrey Towns, a literature and composition instructor in the heart of Fort Worth, Texas, dismantles the nature/culture binary in her prose and verse. She has published, or is forthcoming, in Driftwood Press Anthology, Spellbinder Quarterly Literary and Arts Magazine, Black Fox Literary Magazine, The Amphibian Literary and Arts Journal, and Willawaw Journal, among others.
Meg Tuite
Meg Tuite’s latest collection is Three By Tuite. She is author of six story collections and five chapbooks. She won the Twin Antlers Poetry award for her poetry collection, Bare Bulbs Swinging, and is included in Best of Small Press 2021 and Wigleaf’s Top 50 stories for 2022, 2023. She teaches writing retreats and online classes hosted by Bending Genres.
Kim Turner
Kim Turner lives and writes in West Central Florida. Her work can be found in the Hong Kong Review, Quartet Poetry Journal, and in Close Up: Poems on Cancer, Grief, Hope, and Healing, an Orchard Lea Poetry Anthology.
Rachel Turney
Rachel Turney is an educator and artist located in Denver. Her poems, research articles, drawings, and photography can be found in a few publications.
Sage Tyrtle
Sage Tyrtle’s work is available in New Delta Review, The Offing, Lunch Ticket, and Apex among others. She is the author of the novella The King of Elkport. Her words have been featured on NPR, CBC, and PBS.
Caitlin Upshall
Caitlin Upshall (she/her/hers) holds a B.A. in English from Western Washington University and is currently based in the United Kingdom. When she’s not writing, she enjoys most things dinosaur-related and trivia nights.
Zac Walsh
Zac Walsh’s work has appeared in journals such as Blue Unicorn, LUMINA, Gulf Stream, Cimarron Review, Oakwood, Alligator Juniper, The Awakenings Review, The Other Journal, The Charleston Anvil, Light/Dark, Pissior, Inscape, Big Lucks, Lime Hawk, Spectre Magazine, DuPage Valley Review and The Platte Valley Review, as well as in the anthologies Blood on the Floor and Small Batch. He lives in a small, unincorporated town in Southern Oregon with his wife and a very old dog.
Olivia Wanat
Olivia Wanat is an undergraduate student at the University of Maryland, College Park, pursuing her English bachelor’s degree in Creative Writing. This is her first publication.
William Waters
William Waters is an associate professor in the Department of English at the University of Houston Downtown. Along with Sonja Foss, he is coauthor of Destination Dissertation: A Traveler’s Guide to a Done Dissertation.
Frank Weber
Frank Weber is a freelance writer from Erie, Pennsylvania. He is a published author and is currently a Staff Writer for Bare Back Magazine. Frank draws inspiration from the Kerouac-Bukowski-Thompson vein, and his work encompasses a firm conviction, simple honesty in written word, and enough of a raw edge to make people feel what they read.
Tori Grant Welhouse
Tori Grant Welhouse is a poet and novelist from the Midwest with an award-winning poetry chapbook Vaginas Need Air and a prize-winning YA fantasy novel, The Fergus. Her poems have appeared most recently in Crab Orchard Review, Red River Review, and Cloudbank.
A.R. Williams
A.R. Williams is a poet from Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley and holds a PhD from Bangor University in Wales, UK. He is the editor of the East Ridge Review and has published widely in magazines, journals, and anthologies. Williams is the author of Funeral in the Wild (Kelsay Books, 2024) and Time in Shenandoah (Bottlecap Press, 2024).
Michelle Wise
Michelle D. Wise is a lover of literature and visual art. She holds a Ph.D. in English and teaches courses in literature. She is also pursuing an MFA in Visual Arts with an emphasis in Photography from Belmont University in Nashville. In addition to academic writing projects, she is working on a creative project that features her poetry and photography.
Wolfgang Wright
Wolfgang Wright is the author of the comic novel Me and Gepe and the forthcoming science fiction novel Being. His short work has appeared in over thirty literary magazines, including Oyster River Pages, The Collidescope, and Waccamaw. He doesn’t tolerate gluten so well, quite enjoys watching British panel shows, and devotes a little time each day to contemplating the Tao.
Scott Wylie
Scott Wylie is a multifaceted creative writer. He was awarded a master’s degree in creative writing from Reinhardt University in 2023.
James Wyman
James teaches at the Community College of Vermont. His poetry has been published in Maya’s Review: The Closed Eye Open, Poem City by Burlington Free Press, and displayed on the “Poetry Path” by the Burlington Writers’ Workshop. His writing reflects a love of nature’s beauty and the human condition.
Catherine Yeates
Catherine Yeates is a writer and artist. Their fiction has been published or is forthcoming in MetaStellar, Wyngraf, and Tree And Stone. They live with their partner, cat, and two rambunctious dogs.
Nicole Zdeb
Nicole Zdeb is a writer, visual artist, and astrologer based in the Pacific Northwest.
Looking for more...
This includes bios from 2023 – current. Contributors from the early years (1-3) are only listed by name under the respective categories found here.