Lilia Mahfouz
Known for her fearless humor, Lilia’s work has appeared in Zone Critique, Marginales, and L’Encrier Renversé. Her novel, La Sarabande des Fêlés, cements her place as a literary force, in addition to her former success as an actress and stand-up comedian.
100 Word Feature
The Cucurbitaceae Catastrophe
Louise’s life revolved around cucumbers, their antioxidants, their versatility, and their charm in every dish she created. For five years, she poured love into cucumber terrines, ribbons, soups, and salads, convinced of William’s shared appreciation. Her devotion to the green gem seemed to nourish their marriage. Yet one day, a shift in William’s demeanor sparked Louise’s suspicion. Digging deeper, she uncovered shocking infidelities: secretaries, neighbors, even Clara, the wife of his best friend. As his betrayals stacked up, Louise confronted the ultimate revelation, even more devastating than his endless affairs. Over dinner, William confessed with chilling simplicity, “I hate cucumber.”