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May 22, 2024

photo prompt

100 word story

Inspired by the photo above, write something that will move us in exactly 100 words!

Also, if you have an X (Twitter) handle, include it below your submission. First-time comments will be held for moderation. Once approved, they will be posted automatically. 

Rules Are Simple


A new prompt will appear each Wednesday on the blog at 12 am EDT.


Post your entries in the comment box of the current week's prompt.


Fostering connections and healthy habits of creativity.

100 Word Wednesday

Write something that will move us! Tell an entire story with only 100 words. Share a story that begs to be read and reread!

#100WW Use the hashtags and share on social! #comelaydownink

We nominate for awards, including Best of The Net.

Alternatively, we also have a New Submission Form for 100-Word Stories. These submissions will all be considered for publication online and in our print mag.

You can submit only one story per month via the form. However, you can participate weekly here on our blog in addition to one monthly submission.

On the first Wednesday of each month, we will publish 2 selected 100 Word Stories (1 from submissions and 1 entry from the 100 Word Wednesday weekly prompt here on the blog.) 

Read other entries and comment. This will be a positive forum for feedback.

100 Word Wednesday font Image

2 thoughts on “100 Word Wednesday – May 22”

  1. Cleo reminded her young son, as they finished their picnic, to put his trash in the public bin. Toss your wrappers and soda cans there, she said. Inside the plastic bag, she repeated that several time because sometimes her 10-year-old really wasn’t listening. Then she added, if you don’t, the junk police are going to come looking for you and then what? Trouble, young man. And that’ll mean no summer basketball, no popsicles, no… She stopped talking when he started laughing. Maybe, he said between chuckles, we could throw your junk police in there, too. We can do that, right?


  2. Was it easy for you? Flavor of the day featured on the marquee is tempting. Every day a new, exciting challenge. Has it been like tasting testing ice-cream at the parlor and thinking “meh” and then trying a different one? I guess, when you have so many colorful tubs to choose from it is easier to toss the spoon into the trash. And, really does it matter when it is just ice cream? But that mentality is going to leave a path of strewn hearts discarded casually behind you when it comes to love. I know because I am one.


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