Maddison Scott
Maddison Scott is a teacher, writer, and former film projectionist from Melbourne, Australia. Her short stories have appeared in, among others, Maudlin House, The Molotov Cocktail, Flash Fiction Magazine, Five on the Fifth, and Stupefying Stories. You can find her online at:
100 Word Feature
McHappiness, McSaddness
“We’ll get McDonalds,” my mother said after four hours on the road. Trees passed, traffic passed, signs saying state names passed and passed. I knew she was crying even from the backseat. The next morning, still puffy and hoarse-throated, she asked; “Want another Happy Meal, baby?” My answer was always yes. We had it again for dinner — this time in another state where they served spicy chicken burgers, and the drive-thru was slow. On Day 3, my mother’s grip on the steering wheel finally loosened. We pulled into a restaurant’s parking lot. She smiled. “How about we have pizza today?”