media kit
media kit
Where editors and publishers discuss writing flash fiction, short stories, poetry, and novels.
“Established as a magazine of “poised prose, precarious poetry, and photography to pilot our own realms again” this thirty-four-page gem definitely encourages you to do just that. Within moments of its arrival to my doorstop, I tweeted to all of my writing friends to check it out, read the guidelines, and submit, submit, submit, stating “You’re going to want to get published in this one.”
Accepting the “weird” and “unique” is their specialty as long as the work makes the reader feel. They will consider all types of prose including flash fiction, drabbles, 3-word stories as well as poetry and photography. Visually, this literary magazine can be described using one word, luxurious. From cover to cover, you will be rewarded with a smorgasbord of delights for the eye. Careful, precise placement of the contributing photographs are well-placed throughout, rhythmically moving you from page to page.
Ink In Thirds opens up with a clean Contents Page followed by a letter from the editor whose opening line, “The supple succor of silence in each drop of rain as it falls helps create a backdrop for this issue,” is as beautifully written as any poem on the pages that trail it, validating her passion for creating something distinct. One only need to turn the page to reveal that she succeeds.”
— Joanne Spencer